Internet Services in Union
Fiber Optic Network
Tidewater Telecom’s fiber optic network in Union currently reaches more than 60 percent of all the addresses in the Town, offering data rates up to a gigabyte per second. The fiber network was recently expanded with the aid of federal grant funds so that it now reaches deep into certain rural areas of the Town. Check with Tidewater at to determine fiber service availability at your address.
Spectrum, a subsidiary of Charter Communications, operates a cable network in Union that reaches almost two-thirds of all the addresses in the Town. Check with Spectrum at to determine cable service availability at your address.
The radio services...satellite (Starlink) and fixed-base (Redzone, the cellular services)...can offer reliable high-speed Internet service to citizens who do not have access to the fiber or cable networks. But the service depends on very local conditions, and tree cover or topography (hills) can interfere with the radio signal. The service can also be subject to dedegradation in the presence of weather or periods of congestion (times of high demand by other users). They all offer an opportunity to test the service in your location before committing, and they can offer a satisfactory high-speed alternative for users without access to fiber or cable.
Starlink can be reached at US Cellular can be reached at