Property taxes are billed once yearly and are due in two payments, the first payment is due November 15 and the second is due May 15 of every year. Tax bills must be paid in full by May 15th to avoid having unpaid taxes published in the Annual Town Report.
The Town's tax year runs July 1 to June 30th.
Payments can be made payable to the Town of Union in person at the Town Office or by mail to: Tax Collector, P.O. Box 186, Union, ME 04862. When paying by mail please be sure to include your payment stub from the tax bill or at least your account number. If you would like a receipt please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Q. Does the Town mail my tax bill to my mortgage company?
A. No, tax bills are mailed to the property owner only. It is the property owner's responsibility to forward the bill to their mortgage holders.
Q. I sold my property, why did I get a bill?
A. Per State Law, taxes are assessed to the owner of record as of April 1st. If you have sold your property since April 1st, it is your responsibility to forward the bill to the current property owner.
Q. I sold my property and the taxes were handled at the time of closing, why did I receive the entire bill?
A. Pro-ration of taxes between buyers and sellers does not involve the town. Monies can be collected for taxes at the time of closing and appear on the closing statement but may not be paid to the town. It is a good idea to check with the town about property tax status soon after the purchase of property.