Knox County Sheriff's Department - Sand for Seniors

“Sand For Seniors” is a program where members of public safety bring a bucket of sand to a senior citizen who is not able to sand their icy walkway on a regular basis due to disability or being home-bound. The program is a collaborative effort that includes Lowe’s, the Knox County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Lodge of Fraternal Order of Police #700, and local town offices. The program gets a member of public safety in contact with senior’s who most likely are in need of services but do not reach out for them.

Qualifying applicants must be 65 years of age or older and show proof of disadvantage by answering some basic questions. 

Sgt. Spear from the Knox County Sheriff Dept. is accepting applications from those in need and all forms should be returned to him; either by completing and scanning back to his email address: or mailing to his attention:

Sgt. Paul Spear
Knox County Sheriff Dept.
301 Park Street
Rockland, Maine